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In Osa Oche practices, everything starts with a Consultation; therefore it is strongly recommend booking a consultation with Osa Oche before you order any custom spiritual work.


Osa Oche is a gifted Spiritual Medium, Orisha Priestess and consults using an old and powerful divination system, the shells of her “Santos” (Orichas) The Diloggún. When Osa Oche consults with The Diloggún, The Orichas (Santos) reveal signs that apply to you and your situation. With her powerful shells, Osa Oche calls upon the Orishas and Spirits to reveal the roots of your problems and advise the steps to take towards solving them.


If you are experiencing difficulties in your life or are planning to undertake major changes, a consultation with Osa Oche will help you determine if these changes are welcomed and if anything needs to be done in order to help you in your current situation.

The Orichas and Spirits can help you answer questions about love, family, marital issues, career, business, finances, health, luck, personal well-being, mental and spiritual blockage, negativity, depression and pessimism. A consultation with Osa Oche can bring the light and solutions to situations in your life.


Once you purchase the service and complete your payment, please visit the calendar to schedule your appointment.




All instructions and phone numbers are listed on that page, International buyers will have to call or e-mail, please e-mail to get instructions. For the consultation, you need to be relaxed, positive and undisturbed, plan accordingly, sometimes consultations can go over time; Osa Oche does not look at the clock when consulting the Orichas or Spirits. 


A phone consultation or any consultation with The Diloggún of Osa Oche is not a game or just another Spiritual Reading. Osa Oche will not make up fairy tale stories to make you feel good, or tell you what you want to hear, or do what you think is what you need, to sell you their services, only order a consultation when you are ready to look deep into your life and listen to the advice of the Orichas and Spirits to find real solutions for real problems.


Osa Oche will not speculate about the future with empty predictions and their consultations are not like parlor games or general empty readings that will apply to anyone. No two readings are alike. Osa Oche is extremely honest and straightforward, and they will not tell you what you want to hear, or sugar coat the messages to make you feel good, their mouth shall always speak the truth, as it is part of their oath as a Priestess. The Orichas and Spirits can give you messages from the past, present and future, keep an open mind because it may not be just about one spell or the situations you have in mind, it is about your own spiritual needs and finding ways to make your overall life better.


Osa Oche has no control of the messages from the Orichas or Spirits even if they are not what you want or expect to hear. Osa Oche always start their consultations by applying the signs from The Diloggún to your own situation, they will ask you to keep your questions and comments for the end and once they have transmitted you all the messages, they will try to answer any specific questions. Questions are limited.


Phone consultations are extremely draining and Osa Oche can only do but so many per day.

The same way time was dedicated to you, she may be consulting someone else. She requests the same respect. You are not the only person Osa Oche attends to.


Osa Oche speaks English fluently, English it is not her natal language. Consultations also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Once your Payment is completed, visit the calendar page to make your appointment. This ia a MUST! â€‹




If you have an emergency situation that you feel needs immediate attention, a rush option for 48 hours turn around is available, the non-refundable fee is $50.00.


If you select this option, Osa Oche will contact you to schedule your consultation in the next 48 hours, you must be available for the times Osa Oche is available, if you are not available, the rush fee is not refundable.


Osa Oche Store FAQ

We have gathered the most frequent questions we receive from clients.
Before you place an order or send us a question, please read this page.



Every consultation is unique; while as, I cannot make all your problems disappear or make your dreams come true, even tell you that it is what is going to happen, most of the times, if the Orichas or Spirits see you dwelling your energies in impossible situations, they will always bring advise about the areas of your life you need to address first, to make your life better.

Your present is the product of the decisions you made in the past and your future will be the product of the decisions you will make today. Ultimately it is up to you to sort through the information and advices from the Orichas and Spirits to make your own decisions.


Do I need a Consultation before I can buy your Rituals and Spells?

Please note that if you are wanting any spell work, I will gladly prepare it for you with no guarantees. I do respect people who feel they know what they want and not what they need. Please contact me to further assist you.


For Custom Rituals : YES; in Ocha everything starts with a consultation. I cannot do a ritual for something you want, when to resolve the issue that brought you to me is something else. It is my Oath as a Priestess.

A consultation is required before I can offer you any custom ritual work, if the Orishas or Spirits advise me the custom ritual work you need. PLEASE do not disregard, what they say and ask for what you feel you need. This may result in termination on further assistance or guidance. I WILL NOT go against my Orichas or Spirits.
It does not apply to spiritual tools and other items that will be offered in the store.


How much does it cost for you to cast a Spell for me?

Each case is different, everyone has different spiritual needs, influences, obstacles and challenges, some more complicated than others, therefore custom ritual work is priced accordingly to the individuals situation and work involved. You need to schedule a phone consultation for me to be able to look into the details and determine the forces at work before recommending any ritual work. I cannot do ANY ritual work without seeing where you need attention. PLEASE understand this is NOT a quick fix religion. I as a Priestess, cannot do a ritual spell for you simply because that is what you want. Everything I do I MUST ask.


What to expect after I purchase a Ritual from your store?

After you purchase your Ritual and Services, you will receive instructions via email on how to proceed. If there are items to be mailed, I will provide you the mailing address to send the materials. Once the materials arrive, I will set the date to start your work and send you an email with instructions. I may ask you to light a candle or do a simple ceremony to put your energy and to tune your own spirits to the spell in progress. According the specifics of the services, I may schedule with other Priests to aid in the specifics of, the custom ritual you need. Some ritual may include an amulet prepared with it, sometimes it is to be sent to you or may be disposed or even buried in certain locations as per the advice of the Orichas or Spirits. If the amulet is to be sent to you, I will mail it once it is ready with the instructions on how to use it to activate the energies within.


How do you prepare your Amulets?

The Amulets I prepare as well as my spells are handmade by me; I tap into the powers of Mother Earth to collect everything I use.
I collect the fresh herbs with the proper ceremonies, I travel to the island of Puerto Rico and New York regularly to collect additional ingredients not available here where I reside. Amulets preparation rituals take place at different locations as per the instructions of the Orichas and Spirits, it is a long process and cannot be completed in one day, or RUSHED.


How long does it take for you to complete your Rituals?

Custom works may take from few weeks up to few months to complete, after the customer places the order, if materials need to be sent, I will set the date for the work after the materials arrive.
It also depends on my availability for the month, if I am working in ceremonies or initiations, my time will be more limited. I also consult the Orichas and Spirits every time I schedule a new ceremony, the Orichas and Spirits have the last word on the right time to do the work, everything has its time and place in the spiritual world.


What type of Magic do you practice?

Ocha is a form of  Natural Shamanistic Magic, we work with the powers of the Orichas and the Spirits of nature, roots, herbs, minerals, animals and everything the nature has to bring us.
Ocha and Espiritismo are two different practices, different systems and ceremonies.
I work closely with my Orichas and Spiritual guides and at times have to mix both practices. Many of my custom works and rituals in Ocha are sealed by the Orichas and Spirits into spiritual possessions, meaning the spirits use my body to complete the work.


Do your Spells always work? Do you guarantee your work?

My spiritual services are part of my life and belief system, Espiritismo and Regla De Ocha are my religion and the forces that guide my daily life, what you call spells is my daily, I am always in communication with the Orichas and Spirits in the regular basis, I make offerings every day, it is my lifestyle and the Orichas and Spirits guide my life. I have seen Spells work and I believe in the powers of the Orichas and Spirits. But I cannot guarantee you will get what you want or ask, I guarantee I do my work, I am ethical and authentic, but I do not have control of the universe and everything that happens in your own realm.


Do you send pictures of your Ceremonies?

No, I do not take pictures of my ceremonies, spells, Orisha’s Altars or Spirits Cauldrons, it is part of my tradition and the way of my Ancestors, I respect them and the privacy of what our Religion is about. Secrecy. If you want to see the work, you will need to be in person. That would be discussed and addressed accordingly.


Do you do Reversal or Revenge Spell work?

Sure, I am really good when it comes to send things back, I have guides who do specialize on it and are the best. But it is not about me willing to do the work, is about you being ready for it and your own expectations, reversal work may be what you want and in a world of instant gratification, we want to see the person suffer and come back asking for forgiveness.
There is a very important part of reversal work, many choose to ignore it because it is not convenient and it is strength and protection. If you were harmed by someone’s actions, physically or spiritually, it means your own spiritual protections were weak or have been weakened, doing reversal work out of the blue, just because that is what you want may cause more harm than good.
The first and most important part of any reversal work is to protect you and strengthen you against your enemies, give you the tools to overcome the damage and the strength to the spirits to send it all back.
A vulnerable and unprotected person, hiring someone to send back or doing negative spell work against others, may just open the door for entities to drain more and can end up making things worse for the client, therefore if you are serious about reversal work, you must be willing to get stronger, or else it may not bring you the desired result. Some people say that these spells “backfire”, no, spells casted properly with the right protections never backfire. Unless you the client did something you were not supposed to, or not do something you were supposed to.


Do you need Biological samples for your rituals?

Most custom work requires Biological samples or other materials from you and/or others, it is an important part to link the Spiritual work to the physical realm of the individuals. I will work with you to find the appropriate items and will tell you what may work or not. Details of what is needed will be discussed with the clients before the order is placed.


Do you only do custom Rituals and Amulets?

Mostly yes, in my practices and based on my own experience, Spiritual work must be directed to the Orichas and Spirits and the needs of the client, no wholesale spells. It’s not a fire sale, what works for you, may not work for another. Spiritual needs are unique to every individual and it is important to tailor any spiritual work by the directions and needs of the Orichas and Spirits. Once in a while we offer ceremonies to the Orishas that could help anyone and consultations are not required.


Do you offer free Consultations with your Ritual services?

I always consult the Orichas and Spirits on the work progress to see where we are standing, but custom Ritual services do not come with unlimited free consultations, I work and support all my clients, but will not tolerate abuse of my services and generosity. So the answer to that is no.


Can you tell me everything about my Spirits and my life?

The Spiritual world is infinite and there is no way to see or connect to all your Spirits in one section, it takes a lifetime. I will not be able to see your life from start to finish in one section and may not have answers for all the aspects of your life, some messages from the Spirits come in fragments for you to figure out how to use the information given.


Expectation of Privacy

All the Information, Consultations, Advice, Ceremonies, Amulets, Instructions and Spells I share with you are to be kept private. THIS IS A MUST. you do not have the right to share or distribute it without my previous consent. All spiritual work is specific to the Orichas and Spirits, situations and energies, a spell that worked for you may not work for your sister or your friends, sharing it with them may not be as helpful as you think and could make matters worse for everybody.
There is a lot of privacy and secrecy in my religion, we do not share details of the works we do and there are many reasons for it. My Godfather always taught me a golden rule about Orichas and Spirits and Magic: “Never complain, Never explain”, Never complain the Orichas or Spirits are not strong enough or they are not helping you, Never explain how you got what you wanted, keep it for you and the Orichas and Spirits will never leave you.
I always treat my clients with respect and protect their privacy; I expect the same in return. I will work with you to ensure your satisfaction, if you have any question or concern, feel free to contact me, I am very patient (a gift acquired with time) and will try to answer all your questions to the best of my abilities with courtesy and respect.


“Why is this happening to me?”

I am extremely compassionate and sensitive to clients in difficult, painful and challenging situations and I understand the anxiety and the feelings behind this question. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and often it is hard for us to make the right choices and sacrifices needed to make our lives better. 
In any Spiritual work, the Orichas and Spirits will bring positive changes, but sometimes they do not just hand you your wish, you must put your own effort, energy, focus and gratitude in your request.
Spiritual work will not be a substitute or a quick fix to poor choices and lack of personal responsibility.
Uncontrollable spending habits, laziness, excessive drinking, drug abuse, hurt, harm or abuse your partner until they leave you, then stalk them because you can’t understand why they want nothing to do with you, mistreatment of your children, disrespect of your elders, just to name a few, these are choices that led you to the situation you are now and unless you start working towards improving and making amendments, no Oricha or Spirit will come to bail you out and fix the mess for you to continue your own destructive behavior.
To blame the Orichas and Spirits for your dangerous choices is just another way to refuse responsibility for your own actions.


What if you do not have answers for some questions?

I am not God, I can only give you information and advises the Orichas and Spirits have available to you.
I do not have the explanation for everything going on in your life and a consultation or Ritual Spiritual work will not fix your life and make it perfect in one day.


Support vs. Coaching

When I accept to do any work for you, I offer my support and will answer all your questions to the best of my abilities, but I need you to understand I cannot coach your everyday life or make decisions for you.
I cannot answer questions like should I call him/her now?, will she call me?, what does this message mean?, what do I say to him/her? Can you help me find my keys?


Can the Orichas and Spirits or Spells harm me?

Mostly No.
Orichas and Spirits do not harm people, people harm people. Some negative entities can make you weak, vulnerable or create chaos, the harm happens when you do not take the right actions and act in time to correct it. I work with responsible Orichas and Spirits. My Oricha and Spirits or the work I do with them in your behalf will never harm you, they will protect you from harm, the same way they protect me.


Is your work Evil?

I work with the Orichas and the Spirits. The Orichas and Spirits cannot harm you or make you do something Evil. But some people can do Evil things using the Orichas and Spirits. Once again, it is not about the practice, it is about the practitioner. So. No! my work is not Evil, but someone else's work might be Evil.


About Love, Relationship and Reconciliation Rituals

Since about 99.9% of the requests I receive are directed to this area, I will try to explain how the work is done, keep in mind that every situation is different, but this general statement applies to all.
First I want to share a very important fact: SPELLS DO NOT CHANGE THE INDIVIDUAL’S  BASIC NATURE.
The Spirits and Orishas when summoned can influence individuals and situations, can make someone take action and manipulate decisions, with our rituals we bring the energies, Orichas and Spirits to situations, but no ceremony will ever make a person change completely and become who you want him/her to be.
When it comes to relationships, different ceremonies may be used. First I consult you and see what can be done to help you stabilize your own state of affairs. If you are depressed and unbalanced, I have to work with you to find ways to help you feet better, it is part of the problem and must be part of the solution.
This is very difficult, many approach me willing to pay any amount of money for the promise that his/her ex-lover will be back, it breaks my heart when I advise a client to work to improve its own weaknesses, and see people not willing to accept their own reality, remember you need to help yourself before you can help others, you need to be strong if you want to summon some Spirits, you need to put your own needs above everyone else and you need to love yourself first and foremost.
Rarely is a situation or relationship fixed overnight, please remember, your relationship did not deteriorate overnight either, it took time, actions and influences to deteriorate and now we are calling the Orichas and Spirits to help us fix it. ASAP!


But all I want is my ex back…

But all I want is my ex back…


You broke up with your partner/husband/boy/girlfriend and you are devastated. You want him/her back at whatever cost, and can’t stop thinking about it. You have to make it happen! 

You turned to Google, Bing, Yahoo… and found a psychic, the psychic told you exactly what you needed to hear: “He/She is your soul mate and is missing you, he/she is confused at the moment but you will be back together next month”. This is all you need to hear, it gives you courage, hope and expectation, and you believe it is worth to wait.

Next month comes still nothing, and the psychic advice you to try a “Love Spell” to make things happen, you spend a few hundred dollars in a “Return My Love Spell”; months go by but nothing happens, you continue stalking your ex’s Facebook page and cry of desperation when you see happy pictures, how can he/she be happy while you are miserable? … Time to call the psychic again…

Sounds familiar? Many people who contact me are in this same situation.

First you need to understand something about the Orichas and Spirits, Spiritual practices are learned and developed over time, all of a  sudden you want the Orichas or Spirits to do something for you when you have never spent any time or energy trying to understand how the Spirit world works.

The secret of any Spiritual work is in the connection that can be established with the person’s own Spiritual guides. If your Spiritual guides are weak and chaotic, if you are carrying spiritual baggage from generations, if you have obsessor Spirits with you, any work that does not address these problems first, is always going to make things worse for you in the long run.

Every single Spiritual work I do, starts with cleansing and offerings to the Oricha and Spirit guides and Ancestors of the person; it is the most important step. The stronger you are in your own Spiritual being, the easier it would be for the Orichas and Spirits to help you and make things happen in your life.

It cannot be done in one day or with one prayer, sometimes it takes multiple Spiritual sessions to get to the bottom of it and sometimes it takes a lifetime to clear the Spiritual baggage we tend to carry.

That is why I try to explain and teach people who reach out to me for help; the importance of strong Spiritual protections, connection and development of your Spiritual guides, this is not about your ex, it is about YOU!


Why do I need a Cleaning if all I want is my Ex back? ….

If all you want is your Ex back and do not care about your Spiritual well being, please do not ask me to help you because I am here to help, I am not here to perpetuate your obsessions, create more Spiritual luggage and contribute to Spiritual confusion.

Lets go back to the roots, why did your Ex leave? If there was any external influence, it means that you were not Spiritually strong enough to stop it, why would you want to continue adding to it.

It is very simple; lets say you visit a Plastic Surgeon because you want Bigger Boobs; when the doctor sees your blood work he tells you that you have anemia and the surgery that you want so much, the only thing that you think can make you happy is not recommendable at that time because there will be complications, you need to address and resolve other health issues first.

That is exactly why we have to consult before offering Spiritual work, doing binding or break up work on a person who is in a weak or fragile Spiritual state is not advisable and it never works at the end. The weak and chaotic Spirits tend to take all the energy and the person ends up being more obsessed and consumed by the situation.


The first question I ask my Orichas or Spirits before I open a consultation is: Can I help this person Yes or No?
If my Egun/Eleggua answers NO, I will not be able to offer you my help. It does not mean you are helpless, it just means I am not the person to help you at this time.


About Spiritual Protection

I am sure I have mentioned about the importance of Spiritual Protection before, however this topic tends to be ignored.


What is Spiritual Protection?

I compare Spiritual Protection with the natural antibodies we have in our bodies to protect us against fight diseases, even during childhood years we have vaccines to boost our defenses against viruses and diseases, as we grow older, the antibodies get stronger and keep our bodies healthy by fighting disease when we come in contact with germs, if our antibodies fail protecting us, we get sick.

This is a natural process and we never know exactly when or how it is happening because we cannot see it.

Spiritual Protection works in a similar way. By maintaining and reinforcing the “antibodies” which will fight against Osogbo (negative) Spiritual energies that come in contact with us during different times of our journey. If these antibodies fail, we become weak and vulnerable. Spiritual Protection is the way to give our Spiritual guides the tools needed to fight Osogbo (negative) energies before they affect us directly.


OSA OCHE has a message – Do not kill the messenger

Recently I have been dealing with messages from clients who were disappointed and unhappy because my Orichas or Spirits did not offer spiritual work for them, and every time this happens, it shows me how correct my Spirits are when they choose who to help and who to turn down. Some people feel if they offer me a ridiculous amount of money, it will change my mind and I will help them because they are paying me a lot of money. If what you want is not what you need, I cannot accept payment to do something that is not going to happen. It's like if you have a leaky roof and many will say, it will cost so much to fix it, and you go with that, but it continues to leak now with more problems. If you do not address the root of the problem, you will continue to have a leaky roof. I go deep to find the root of the problem, then fix it. Many just want a quick fix, a patch, no matter what it costs. I am not about a quick fix or patching up an issue. Still some leave me speechless, I don’t want to take their money if the Orichas or Spirits say it is not going to happen, yet some still feel the need to be rude? Are you kidding me?


I am making this post for New Customers to read before they contact me asking for Spiritual work.

First and foremost I will say that I am only one person, and contrary to what some want to believe, I am only human, I am not connected 24/7 and I do not make things happen for you, it is my Eguns, the Orishas, who make anything possible, I am only the messenger.


With that said I can only take limited amount of clients at once, I can only do a limited amount of consultations a week.

Now, the most important part, Spiritual work is not a drive thru window where you order what you want from a menu, when you work with the Orichas and Spirits, it is not about what you want, but about what you can receive and what the Orichas or Spirits are willing to give you.

Before I am able to commit to any Spiritual work I ask my Eguns and Orichas and they choose who they will help and who they will not help. It is out of my control, I trust my Eguns and Orichas and I know there is a reason for everything in the Spiritual world, but once my Orichas or Spirits take someone in, they make me go the extra mile.

One of the many reasons why working for some people is very difficult and the Orichas and Spirits turn down so many is because of Spiritual build up, we all have it, I clean myself daily, any person who does Spiritual work needs to include cleansing Rituals, when we call upon Spirits, when we tap into the energies of the universe, we must be able to absorb the energies the Orichas and the Spirits make available to us, if we are not ready Spiritually to absorb these energies, they create unbalances and what I personally call, Spiritual garbage, like build up of Spiritual energies and Spirits that cannot get anywhere. One of the basis of any Spiritual practice, essentially in La Regla de Ocha, is cleansing and depuration, sometimes we carry energies and Spirits with us that we need to depurate to give room to other energies to reach us.

For example, when someone is initiated in Ocha, they need to be a whole year and seven days in white without doing any Spiritual work, and there are reasons for that. There are many cleansing ceremonies that need to take place before a person is scratched (Rayado) in Palo Mayombe and the most important part, the Spirits guides of the person must agree to the work, that is why a Spiritual Investigation (Misa) is important in my religion.

When someone reaches too many Spiritual energies at once, it causes build up, just like taking overdoses of multivitamins thinking you will get healthier sooner, the ones that are soluble get eliminated from your body and others cause build up and will make you sick in the long term, this is one of the things the Spirits look into before starting a new work, I always ask my clients to stop any additional Spiritual work while the work from my Orichas or Spirits are in progress, some do, some do not, I do not argue, the Orichas and Spirits always know what is going on.

Unfortunately some people cannot take the word NO for an answer and they get all upset and feel the need to be arrogant and insulting, one of the first lessons the Orichas and Spirits taught me is to be humble and honest, it is a very essential part of my religion, we need to learn to be humble to our Godparents, Elders and Minors, we need to learn to be humble to the Orishas, and the Spirits, I am humble and respectful to my clients, I treat others with the same respect I expect to be treated, unfortunately some try to take advantage and confuse it with weakness, nothing further from the truth, that is where Spiritual strength comes from.

When you consult me about Spiritual work, there is a good chance the Orichas and Spirits will turn your request down, in some cases the Orichas or Spirits will offer you something else, or nothing at all, as bad and hurt as you can feel, do not take it personal, you asked for advice and my Orichas and Spirits are being honest, I am being honest, I am not taking your money, if the Orichas or Spirits are giving you an honest advice, do not disregard it, do not argue it, listen to it, it is up to you whether you follow it or not, but please do not kill, disrespect, put down the messenger. Remember at the end of the day you came to me.


How to prepare and make the best of a Phone Consultation?

I always see my consultations as pealing the layers of an onion, many times I have to clear and release Spirits and energies around you before I can get to the bottom of your problems. But you have to allow me to clear the layers because if you hold on to it, you will not allow the Orichas or Spirits to communicate with me. In other words, you must be willing and open to receive the messages from the Orichas and Spirits.
Prepare your questions ahead of time, have a pen and paper ready to write notes during the consultation.
Try to be relaxed and comfortable; clear your mind of the worries of the day, clear your heart and will of your own expectations.
Plan for your time accordingly, try to find a place alone and undisturbed. Lunch breaks or driving are not the best places for consultations.
Do not schedule a consultation for a time you will be under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Do not expect me to make decisions for you, the Orichas and Spirits offer you advice and provide insights and guidance, but most of the times, they will not tell you what to do next.
Do not ask for lottery numbers or specific health or legal issues.
Do not keep asking the same question expecting a different answer, if you keep asking the same question over and over, you will start receiving conflicting answers. The Orichas or Spirits will stop me from helping you.


What if you don’t tell me what I was expecting?

I am honest and straight forward, and I will not lie to you. I have no control of the messages from the Orichas or Spirits, if during a consultation the Orichas or Spirit guides me to another direction; it means that there are other issues more important that need your attention.
For example if you are trying to get a lover back and the Orichas or Spirits guide me to tell you about you and the things that you have to do for yourself, please do not ignore or disregard the message just because you find it unimportant.
Everything revealed to you by the Orichas and Spirits have a reason and it is a power in your hands to make the best use of it.
If you are going through difficult times, be prepared to hear some information about your reality, you may be in the need of some changes in order to get your life back in order.


Do you require consultation for all your services?

YES! Any and all custom Rituals and Ceremonies require a previous consultation.
At times I may offer Spiritual items that will help anyone in any situation and a consultation is not required, I still consult with the Orichas and Spirits before offering to make sure it will help. I ask my Orichas and Spirits EVERYTHING, I do not make a move without asking them first. Please understand this rule! It's what I live by, and gives me the blessed life I have.


Terms of Services

The most important term of Osa Oche’s services is honesty and integrity, Osa Oche pledges she will be honest at all times and expects the same from her clients.

By purchasing any Spiritual services from Osa Oche at  you certify that you have read, understand and accept the following terms of services:

1) You must be 18 years old or older.

2) The Spiritual services of Osa Oche and are not substitute or replacement of professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice or care.

3) You agree to follow the instructions for the services rendered to treat acquired Spiritual items with respect and care.


Contact information

You can contact us at  832-324-9156


Your privacy is very important and will be protected at ALL times. All your purchases and all communications are confidential and will never be released or discussed with anyone, other than GodParents in the religion. Osa Oche also expects you to maintain the confidentiality about any Rituals or Spells she shares with you, you are not authorized to publicize any Spell or Ritual information given to you by Osa Oche without their previous consent. Can result in termination of services. Or unnecessary consequences.


Payment Security:

All payments are processed through the Square website and payment gateway. Square is one of the world’s largest and most secure payment processing gateways. You never have to worry when you make a purchase from because we are a Square Verified Merchant. neither collects nor stores your financial information. I also have the Cash App available. 


Email Communication:

From time to time  may send out email messages alerting you that new products are available or to announce promotional offers. You will have the option to opt out if you do not want to receive any promotional materials via email.


Do you call me or I call you?

If you are in the USA, I will call you, international customers will have to call me to set up.
Once you place your order, my scheduler page will give you the contact information and the options to select your time zone when you make the appointment.


How to schedule a phone consultation?

After you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and the link to schedule your phone consultation.
This email has the link to my scheduler page, please look in your junk mail if you do not receive it right away contact me.


Book Appointment With Osa Oche – Only to be used after you pay for your consultation. A MUST!


Do you offer follow ups, can I ask for clarifications?

During the consultation, I will allow you to ask any question at the end.
If you don’t understand something, during or after the reading, feel  free to email me. I will gladly answer your question to the best of my abilities. Please bear in mind that the specific messages I receive during the reading do not stay with me nor I keep records of details from the consultations. The sooner you ask me your questions, the better I will be able to answer.
Days after the consultation I will not be able to recall the specific details of your session.
I understand I have an accent, English is not my native language, sometimes I can talk fast trying to convey all the information to you, if that happens, please let me know, I never get offended.


Your spells and spirits are not strong enough because they cannot do what I want

They are stronger than you think; the main reason why I do not take frivolous or empty requests.
My services are directed to help you, and you will hear the truth about your situation, if you accept it or not, it will be all up to you. If I cannot offer you the service you want, at least you know, that I tried to offer you what you need to help your situation.


Are you a psychic, can you predict the future?

No, I am not a psychic, I am a Priestess and Spiritual Medium, I do not do psychic readings, read minds or predict the future. And Please stop shoving your hand in my face and ask me what I see in your Palm. The next time this occurs, I will reply I see your hand is VERY dirty. As a Priestess and Medium I receive messages from the Spirits and relay them to you, I can only tell you what the Orishas or Spirits want to share with you and I cannot make up predictions to make you happy.


Do I have to share my situation with you before the consultation?

For specific consultations, yes, for phone consultations it is not necessary, but it will be helpful to know what area or situation you want to focus the consultation. Just like when you go to the Dr. he asks you what brings you to his office, same thing goes for me. What can I help you with.


Do I need a consultation before I can buy your rituals and spells?

For Custom rituals: YES; in La Regla de Ocha everything starts with a consultation.
A consultation is required before I can offer you any custom ritual work.
It does not apply to spiritual tools and other items that will be offered in the store.


What if I need to reschedule a consultation?

Just send me an email and I will be glad to reschedule our appointment for another time.


What if you do not have answers for some questions?

I am not God, I can only give you information and advice the Orishas and Spirits have available to you.
I do not have the explanation for everything going on in your life and a consultation or ritual spiritual work will not fix your life and make it perfect in one day.


Spells, Rituals and Spiritual Services

When I agree to offer you my services, I also offer you all my years of practice and experience, initiations, the powers of my spirits and my faith and spiritual practices.
Besides being a native PuertoRican Santera, I’m a skilled Medium, an Espiritista, during the years I have developed, trained, studied, paid my dues, practiced, failed, succeeded, cried, sacrificed, to learn and serve the Spirits and the Orishas.
I am strong and experienced; I work with powerful guides and spirits, have my feet firmly on earth which allows me to cast effective spells in the real world, without repercussions, I know what I am doing and how to work with the right spirits and forces to attain desired results.


Do you require consultation for all your services?

YES! Any and all custom rituals and ceremonies require a previous consultation.
At times I may offer items that will help anyone in any situation and a consultation is not required, I still consult with the Orichas and Spirits before offering anything, to make sure it will help.


How much does it cost for you to cast a spell for me?

Each case is different, everyone has different spiritual needs, influences, obstacles and challenges, some more complicated than others, therefore custom ritual work is priced accordingly to the individual situation and work involved. You need to schedule a phone consultation, for me to be able to look into the details and determine the forces at work before recommending any ritual work. The prices in the store, are accurate, but, please keep in mind, without a reading to determine your need, I cannot give a set price. Please contact me to further discuss your needs.    


How long does it take for you to complete your rituals?

Custom works may take from few weeks up to few months to complete, after the customer places the order, if materials need to be sent, I will set the date for the work after the materials arrive. It also depends on my availability for the month, if I am working in ceremonies or initiations, my time will be more limited. I also consult the Orishas or Spirits every time I schedule a new ceremony, the Orishas and Spirits have the last word on the right time to do the work, everything has its time and place in the spiritual world. I ask them everything. Learned not to make a move without asking them first.


If working with you, can I cast other spells? should I get readings? or do other things on my own?

I strongly recommend my clients not to cast any additional spells or get other readings while I am working on their situation, remember the spirits are working and the energies are changing constantly, untrained workers may take spiritual forces as negative or chaotic and you will receive confusing information,  I do not like to consult my clients while the spiritual work is in progress unless there is an emergency situation. In other words stay put! 


Can I call anytime to consult on the status of my rituals?

I am always open to answer calls 11-7, my personal clients can reached anytime, I ask all my clients to limit unscheduled calls to emergency situations. Excessive and abusive unscheduled calls will deteriorate our relationship and it will get to the point when I won’t be able to answer them any longer.


Why won’t you accept to work in my case?

I reserve the right to decline or terminate services at any time for any reason. Please do not insist to accept your case. I will not change my mind. Once the spirits tell me not to take a case, I can’t go against it. And will not go against it.


About love, relationship and reconciliation rituals

Since about 99.9% of the requests I receive are directed to this area, I will try to explain how the work is done, keep in mind that every situation is different, but this general statement applies to all.
First I want to share a very important fact: SPELLS DO NOT CHANGE THE INDIVIDUAL’S  BASIC NATURE.
The spirits and Orishas when summoned can influence individuals and situations, can make someone take action and manipulate decisions, with our rituals we bring the energies and spirits to situations, but no ceremony will ever make a person change completely and become who you want him/her to be.
When it comes to relationships, different ceremonies may be used. First I consult you and see what can be done to help you stabilize your own state of affairs. If you are depressed and unbalanced, I have to work with you to find ways to help you feet better first, it is part of the problem and must be part of the solution.
This is very difficult, many approach me willing to pay any amount of money for the promise that his/her ex-lover will be back, it breaks my heart when I advise a client to work to improve its own weaknesses, and see people not willing to accept their own reality, remember you need to help yourself before you can help others, you need to be strong if you want to summon some spirits, you need to put your own needs above everyone else and you need to love yourself first and foremost.
Rarely is a situation or relationship fixed overnight, please remember, your relationship did not deteriorate overnight either, it took time, actions and influences to deteriorate and now we are calling the Orishas and Spirits to help us fix it overnight, impossible.


Do you do Reversal or Revenge spell work?

Sure, I am really good when it comes to send things back, I have guides who do specialize on it and are the best.
But it is not about me willing to do the work, is about you being ready for it and your own expectations, reversal work may be what you want and in a world of instant gratification, we want to see the person suffer and come back asking for forgiveness.
There is a very important part of reversal work, many choose to ignore it because it is not convenient and it is strength and protection. If you were harmed by someone’s actions, emotionally, physically or spiritually, it means your own spiritual protections were weak or have been weakened, doing reversal work out of the blue, just because that is what you want may cause more harm than good.
The first and most important part of any reversal work is to protect you and strengthen you against your enemies, give you the tools to overcome the damage and the strength to the spirits to send it all back.
A vulnerable and unprotected person, hiring someone to send back or doing negative spell work against others, may just open the door for other entities to drain more and can end up making things worse for the client, therefore if you are serious about reversal work, you must be willing to get stronger, or else it may not bring you the desired result. Some people say that these spells “backfire”, no, spells casted properly with the right protections never backfire. Unless you did something, because you were not seeing the results you want as fast as you want. Many people that do not get what they want, or think they need, go from spiritualist to spiritualist in search of someone who will do what they want, or think they need. That is not the solution. You can get drained to the max. Until you come to terms and realize, it's not what you want, more like what you need.


“Why is this happening to me?”

I am extremely compassionate and sensitive to clients in difficult, painful and challenging situations and I understand the anxiety and the feelings behind this question. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and often it is hard for us to make the right choices and sacrifices needed to make our lives better. In any spiritual work, the Orishas or Spirits will bring positive changes, but sometimes they do not just hand you your wish, you must put your own effort, energy, focus and gratitude in your request. Spiritual work will not be a substitute or a quick fix to poor choices and lack of personal responsibility. Uncontrollable spending habits, laziness, excessive drinking, drug abuse, hurt, harm or abuse your partner until they leave you, then stalk them because you can’t understand why they want nothing to do with you, mistreatment of your children, disrespect of your Elders,  just to name a few, these are choices that led you to the situation you are now and unless you start working towards improving and making amendments, no Orisha or Spirit will come to bail you out and fix the mess for you to continue your own destructive behavior.
To blame Orishas or Spirits for your dangerous choices is just another way to refuse responsibility for your own actions.


Requests that will be Ignored:

Please do not contact me to request any of the following services:

  • Make you a millionaire, win the lottery or make money appear in your bank account or your door steps.

  • Make someone who does not know who you are (like a movie star or a complete stranger) love and marry you.

  • Change your physical appearance, make you look younger, stronger, thinner, lighter, darker, taller, shorter, invisible or make you fly. (No, I cannot turn you into a vampire)

  • Change documents or disappear recorded evidences.

  • To cast a Death Spell.

  • To cast any spell with children involved unless it is a protection spell (Anyone under 21 is considered a child).

The above requests will not be answered. You will be prohibit from further contact.


In person consultations

I offer in person consultations. This is only allowed if when I ask the Orichas, they respond yes.
In person consultations must be scheduled directly with me via email or phone.
Existing and personal customers have my number and know how to get in touch with me.
New customers need to purchase the phone consultation in the store app or call me direct 832-324-9156
This is done for security reasons because I cannot give my address randomly to anyone.
For security and privacy reasons, I do not do in person consultations at this time, if you like to meet prior to consultation, to know who I am that's fine, arrangement will be made accordingly. 


Policies & Procedures

Appointments will be honored ONLY after payment is received.
Please make sure to use the same e-mail address you used when ordering the consultation at the store.
Once your appointment has been confirmed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.







Will be addressed accordingly.


E-mail Consultation vs. Phone Consultation

I get this question by e-mail many times and will try to explain it clearly.

The e-mail consultation service is NOT  full phone consultation, I do not offer full or general e-mail consultations.

The main reason why I do not offer full e-mail consultations is because writing in the English language comes harder for me, English is not my natal language and typing consultation reports take me hours, time which I do not have.

I always feel I can make a better connection and offer a better service to a client when I am talking and interacting with the person over the phone and it is a more full filling experience for both of us.


I always tell my customers, when it comes to the English language, I am a witch, not a writer.


If you want a full consultation, please purchase a Phone Consultation, I will talk to you in the phone. I never look at the clock when I consult a client and will answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

The e-mail consultation is limited to consult about a specific situation, you will receive an e-mail talking about the signs, I get from the Orichas and Spirits and the ritual they recommend for your situation (if any), no details no open questions. This consultation is only for Specific situation. Consultations are not refundable.


May the Orichas and Spirits be with you and protect you always.


How long do I have to wait to see results?

Unless advised by the Orichas or Spirits, I never like to give specific timelines with spiritual work, for example, if I tell you something is going to happen in 7 days, at the 6th day you may get very nervous and fixated with the events expected on the 7th day and with your own negativity and/or actions, you may delay the event developing on the 8th day or after.
There are way too many factors and unseen forces in the spiritual realm which make timelines insecure and unreliable.


E-Mail Consultation


Due to time limitations, Osa Oche does not offer full or general e-mail consultations.

If you need a full consultation, please purchase a Full Consultation with Osa Oche.

The e-mail consultations are offered for you to consult with Osa Oche about a specific situation you are concerned about.

You will send your information, full name and date of birth and the date of birth of anyone involved as well as a brief description of your situation and desired outcome. Osa Oche will consult with her Orichas and Spirits and e-mail you the details and price of the ritual advised for your situation (if any).

Osa Oche will consult only one situation at the time, and you must be precise in what rituals you are interested in purchasing and the situation you want to resolve.

There are no guarantees Osa Oche will offer a customized work for your situation, only your faith will make it happen.

This consultation is only for specific situations.


Osa Oche will not tell you what you want to hear, she will tell you what the Orichas and the Spirits mark with her shells at the time of the consultation.


E-Mail consultations are not refundable.

This is a No Contact Reading, no phone call. I will check to see what's going on and send you the reading by E-Mail.

Osa Oche completes e-mail consultations in the order they are received, depending on Osa Oche’s available schedule. Once determined 

Osa Oche needs to make sure she will be able to schedule your work before offering it to you.

If you have an emergency situation that you feel needs immediate attention, a rush option for 48 hours turn around is available, the fee is $50.00.

Rush fee is non refundable, the cost for the e-mail consultation is $39.95. The cost for a Rushed Phone Reading is $50.00 non refundable and $81.05 for the reading. 


Payment Methods

The Osa Oche store accepts payments via Square Card, Cash, Money Order, Western Union, Money Gram, Cash App.


The Supreme Court ruled that the City of Hialeah ordinances against the ritual 
animal sacrifice in the Santeria church was constitutional and that practitioners 
of this religion were entitled to conduct their ceremonies as prescribed by their 
African traditions and customs.  Blood sacrifice, the [worshiping] of 
the sacred stones and the ritual use of herbs and plants characterize Santeria as 
a true African-American syncretism that grew out of West African Yoruba traditions.


In 1993, the Supreme Court granted constitutional protections to an Afro-Cuban religious group that sacrifices animals, such goats, chickens, ducks and turtles, as a form of ritual.


The USA Supreme Court has stated (Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City  of Hialeah, 1993 that it is constitutional for Santeria worshipers to kill animals for such a ritual sacrifice.








®Copyright Osa Oche 9-5©

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